Current field rules with the following exceptions
1 - 4 x 15 min periods
2 - Stop clock after goal scored
3 - Max 3 long sticks allowed on the field
4 - One motion clamp/rake at face off(cannot clamp and hold)
5 - Loss of possession on a shot that misses everything and goes out of bounds
6 - 10 sec clear to centre line
7 - Once you take the ball into your attack ¼ you can’t bring it out
8 - 2 point shot line approx 15mt arc
9 - Long stick or GK score = 2
10 - Man up goal = 2
11 - Once a team is 3 or more goals down their next score = 2
12 - Controlled checking only ie the distance the stick travels to make contact
13 - Penalty released if opposition score
14 - Unsportsmanlike penalty = 3min time must be served
15 - 1 time out per ½
16 - Refs to count 10 sec clear
17 - Sudden death if the game is drawn
18 - Coaches and Referees to debrief after each game